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Aakash Kapil's Linkedin Analytics

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Aakash Kapil

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Hello, there 🖐🏽 Welcome to my Profile, Let me introduce myself to you. This is Aakash- A copywriter and business growth specialist. I'm also a contributing writer and marketing strategist of personal health informational website. I love creating a brand's story through my words and strategies. Till now, I worked with more than 30+ startups as a freelance content writer. I believe in creating a bridge of trust between audience and business owner through the emphatic, authentic, and easy to understanding content. My goal in the next 5 years is to create cutting-edge digital solutions for audience and businesses across the globe. Always ready to help startups and aspiring marketers who want to make an impact digitally. Reach me out to discuss your business marketing needs. I would be pleased to share the best possible solutions. Let's Connect 🤝 See you in a chat Thanks for your time ❤

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