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Aakriti Agarwal

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With almost a decade of experience in the realm of Public Relations, I currently lead the Corporate Communications at Reliance Life Sciences. Throughout my journey, I have navigated through the complex world of technology, working alongside influential companies such as Micron Technology and Safe Security (formerly known as Lucideus), a cybersecurity startup backed by John Chambers. In addition to this, I have also utilized my expertise to benefit renowned clients including IBM, Amazon, Dell, Tata Communications, and Canon, contributing to a diverse and impressive portfolio. Raised in India's silicon valley - Bangalore, I embody the spirit of a true Desi. My life's tapestry – woven with pages of books and frames of movies – reflects my innate passion for storytelling in all its various forms. My journey in the field of communication began at a young age, as I was often praised by my teachers for my ability to captivate and engage an audience through my words." Through the years, I've come to understand that effective communication is not just a skill; it is the bedrock of successful leadership and organizational prowess. Skilled in Photography, Journalism, Media Relations, and Event Management.

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