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Andrew Roy is a highly skilled and Epic certified "data scientist" with experience in data warehousing, business intelligence, high-end advanced predictive analytics, ETL & database administration, data mining, OLAP and ad-hoc query tools, SQL, web-enabled decision support, and knowledge discovery. His analytic skills were developed through research and practice in the areas of multivariate statistics, econometric and structural equations modeling, and categorical data analysis. With this foundation, Mr. Roy has built a 35+ year career in information technology and analytics, acquiring comprehensive knowledge of a wide array of software and hardware, adapting emerging technologies to an organization's needs, and using critical thinking skills to solve complex problems. He is expert in several complex analytics software suites such as SAS, SPSS, Systat, S-Plus, Stata, EQS, LISREL, LIMDEP and TSP. With over 10 years in healthcare IT including 6+ years as a consultant, Mr. Roy brings significant Epic implementation and application integration & optimization experience. He specializes in Epic CDW {cogito(r) data warehouse} / Caboodle / Star / Clarity [ETL & SQL Server database] administration including installation, upgrades, optimization, and Meaningful Use reporting covering 'objectives and quality/core measures' for both Eligible Hospitals and Eligible Providers. He has performed significant cogito/Clarity reporting using SAP Crystal Reports, SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise and Epic/Crystal Integration for both clinical and financial applications. Of late, he has been dabbling in utilizing Tableau and QlikView in an Epic enterprise setting. Drawing on his knowledge base, experience and keen interest in the field, Mr. Roy is expert in using the powerful analytical tools that enable an organization to "mine" large datasets for information that is extremely valuable in strategic and operational planning and decision-making.

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