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I am an R Software Developer [and a student of Architecture 😉]. I build data products in the R Programming language. Think of R Shiny web apps, R packages, R Markdown reporting, etc. Generally, I love working on projects involving Data, Statistics and Software Engineering, based on my 7+ years experience working freelance for people in the various industries. I'm gradually gaining interest in contributing to open-source development in data science. And my inspirations so far have been figures like Hadley Wickham, Dean Atalli, and others whom have made massive contributions in making R a mainstream data science tool. I also have a keen interest in learning Mathematics and its related disciplines, and using the knowledge gained to solve real world problems. Here's my tech/skill stack in brief: - R (HackerRank certified ☑️) - Data Analytics - Regular Expressions (Text Parsing) - Web Scraping - Golang - REST APIs - Unit Testing - Git - Linux

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