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Profile picture of Abubakar Abdinor 🇸🇴

Abubakar Abdinor 🇸🇴

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As the founder of Youth Upliftment Organization i have dedicated the past three years to making a positive impact in Somalia. Upon my return to Somalia, I witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by the Somali people, particularly children and individuals with disabilities. Through collaborative efforts, we have provided support to disabled individuals by offering prosthetics and have worked towards improving access to education for children. Our primary goal is to invest in children’s education and empower the youth to create a significant social impact. I am seeking partnerships with NGOs that share our vision for creating positive change in Somalia. In addition to my work with Youth Upliftment Organization I am an entrepreneur with a passion for business development. I am eager to connect with like-minded individuals who are interested in investing in trade opportunities in Somalia and East Africa. Whether it’s commodities or technology, I am committed to expanding business ventures into new regions. If you are looking to expand your business and are interested in investing in Somalia and East Africa, let’s connect and explore the possibilities. Email me at : [email protected] What'supp: +252907554504

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