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Mohammed Khan's Linkedin Analytics

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Mohammed Khan

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As a multifaceted Business Analyst and Management Consultant, I'm driven to navigate intricate challenges, uncover actionable insights, and elevate organizational performance. My journey has woven together market research, data analysis, and project management, fostering cross-team collaboration to achieve strategic objectives. At Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), my role as a Business Analyst honed my expertise in Agile project management. Leading a diverse team, I orchestrated the analysis of business requirements, collaborated with architects on design, and oversaw development for a complex MS Azure Data Layer project. This endeavor saw seamless coordination with cross-functional teams across locations, resulting in an impressive 82% deployment success rate. During my tenure as a Research Analyst at TCS, I made substantial contributions to presales and marketing engagements, culminating in the acquisition of multimillion-dollar accounts from major North American and European enterprises. I crafted financial and marketing KPIs, which were subsequently integrated as business requirements. My adept process streamlining and research-powered insights fostered differentiation, enabling consultative selling and driving engagement with industry giants like CVS, Metlife, McKesson, and McDonald's, leading to multimillion and billion-dollar deals. Connect with me to shape the future of business and technology.

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