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Adam Fishman

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Product and Growth leader across both B2C and B2B. I have a 20 year track record of driving major revenue improvements through strategic planning, customer acquisition, retention, conversion optimization, and productized growth with brands such as ResortPass, Patreon, Lyft, Imperfect Foods, WyzAnt, Shutterfly, Kodak, Expedia, Hotwire and more. I cultivate and coach high-performing teams to deliver exceptional results, such as: - 4x revenue growth at Imperfect in one year - Growing Patreon to $1B in annual GMV (10x from when joined) and taking the business international - 1.5x'd ResortPass annual revenue in 3 months - Starting and leading Lyft's growth org for the first 3 years; taking us from 1 city in 2012 to 70+ cities. - Building company, product or growth strategy for: Lyft, Patreon, ImperfectFoods, ResortPass, ManyChat, and more. Currently I help CEOs, founders and other executives with all things growth and product management, including growth loops, acquisition/retention/monetization, onboarding, experimentation, analytics, building durable product strategy and execution, and team management / coaching.

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