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Hello everyone! I’m a software developer who specializes in building web applications, especially using Ruby on Rails for Full-Stack and API Back-End Development. I had experience as a medical student, I spent every day working in a high-stress environment while managing enough time to consume enough med school materials. So before I started working as a developer, I was already good at time management, communication, and perseverance. I am always open to opportunities and I am always ready for a challenge. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, series, and games! I also like to look up new inspirations for my next projects! Back-end: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Postgresql Front-end: Javascript, React, Redux, HTML5, CSS3 Tools: Docker, Git, Heroku, Netlify, Chrome Dev Tools Professional: Remote Pair Programming, Teamwork, Communication Looking for a Developer? Or just want to connect? Send me a message on LinkedIn or an email! My email is [email protected]. My portfolio is https://adamteddychang.netlify.app/ Looking forward to hearing from you!

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