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Adebayo Adebisi

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It takes just as many years to be average in your field as it is to be a big success. Performance bridges that gap. My Name is Adebayo Adebisi, and I share simple but actionable tips to optimise performance through my social media and weekly newsletter ‘The Performance Journal’. I work with ambitious professionals and entrepreneurs to help them get the highest return on the parts of their lives they invest the most amount of their time. I help them create and utilise a series of simple but proven practical strategies that allows them to be the best at what they do, increase their incomes at a faster rate and supercharge their wellbeing. I am the founder of 925 Mastery, a career coaching and training company passionate about helping (aspiring) leaders unlock their career and earning potential. We share free practical, proven techniques and strategies that reaches over 11.4+ million people weekly. During my time working in corporate, I often asked these two questions: • Why are some people more successful than others? • Why do most people grow to hate their job and the company they work for? This is where I come in, I teach you how to be proactive and get the most out of you and your career. Everything happening or not happening to you is your responsibility. At the risk of sound too self-indulgent, I am a Medical Science Graduate from the University of Birmingham, and I worked in sales for 8 years, closing more than £40 million in sales. Additionally, I co-founded two 7-figure generating businesses that provided valuable learning moments. I have learned the hard way so you don't have to. Getting to where you want to be is hard and painful but staying where you are is 10x harder and more painful. I hope I can help you harness your special talents whist doing what makes you feel fulfilled. You’re the architect of your life, you got this!

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