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Agnieszka Stalder's Linkedin Analytics

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Agnieszka Stalder

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You may believe there are only 2 solutions to combat feelings of demotivation or boredom at work: 1. Changing jobs 2. Doubling your salary But what if there's another way? You have had your dream job for several years now. You worked hard, prestigious studies, polishing your CV. Now you feel that the job is routine and lacks excitement. You might enjoy chatting with colleagues over coffee yet the morning alarm brings no enthusiasm for tasks ahead. Each workday lacks purpose, and even starting work feels like a struggle. Sitting at your desk, you delay tasks with weather checks, news, and social media. The workdays seem long and your Friday after-work plans feel so far away. Finally, it hits you - to get unstuck, change is needed. You’ve tried: • Figuring it out on your own – no result till today. • Signing up for another course or executive master - still feeling stuck. • Talking to your manager or friends - didn’t work either. • Distracting yourself with travels, gym, nice shopping and fancy events - also failed. You're at a loss for ideas, and now you're starting to feel desperate. You are afraid that if things continue in this way, it may lead to depression or cancer. In fact, your body may already be sending you health alert signals such as chest pain, enormous fatigue, digestive troubles, or skin rash. The Number ONE mistake my clients make is this – they search for a quick fix externally. What they really need, is to understand that the solution lies within. People chase titles and possessions, expecting happiness. Yet, true desires are often overlooked, leaving them in doubt and miserable. But don’t worry. There is still time to make changes. I can be your guide, booster, and purpose igniter. Working with me, you will learn how to: → Find meaning in work → Navigate your path with passion, clarity, and confidence → Gain motivation and form sustainable habits → Free up your time for important things and people → Transform into a new you with plenty of energy and a mindset that serves you Results speak: "Without your coaching, I would still be panicking and lost right now. Your sessions gave me clarity and helped me realize my potential, which helped me achieve my goals." - J. “You changed my life and I'm forever grateful to you!” - L. There is a 15-page Word document full of testimonials like these. Ready for REAL motivation and a sense of purpose? Let’s make it happen! Send me a DM saying “I’m ready” and let’s talk.

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