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Ahmed Hadjeres's Linkedin Analytics

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Ahmed Hadjeres

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🔹 About Me: I'm an ETS-trained Electrical Engineer turned tech entrepreneur. My journey in the tech industry has been marked by innovation, from founding a cutting-edge access control and payment hardware company to leading R&D initiatives at Eventbrite as an Entrepreneur in Residence. 🔹 Professional Milestones: Founder & CEO: Launched a company specializing in event entry solutions, revolutionizing access control and payment systems. Successfully exited through acquisition by Eventbrite. Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) at Eventbrite: Led R&D projects, exploring new frontiers in event technology and contributing to the company's innovation trajectory. Founder of ProductShop: Established a venture studio that has incubated and launched several successful tech startups, including Oamo.io and Sprkr.io. ProductShop stands at the intersection of technology and entrepreneurship, turning innovative ideas into scalable businesses. 🔹 My Philosophy: Driven by a passion for technology and the power of entrepreneurship, I am committed to creating solutions that address real-world challenges. My goal is to continue fostering innovation, supporting emerging entrepreneurs, and contributing to the global tech ecosystem. 🔹 Let's Connect: I'm always open to connecting with fellow entrepreneurs, innovators, and anyone passionate about technology. Let's explore how we can collaborate and make a positive impact together.

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