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AILEEN CARVILLE's Linkedin Analytics

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COLONII a virtual habitat and avatar creation platform. Fashion • Physical, Phygital, Digital, Artisanal, Traditional, Experiential and Fantastical. SKMMP 2015-2023 Remodelled the manual malignancy of wholesale into the digital age with our bespoke Virtual Showrooms. We created the 1st wave Virtual Showroom with high fidelity visual and 3D asset generation for Luxury Brands. Pioneered the first Fashion Week AR holograms in February 2018 at LFW and PFW. In January 2020 Aileen and the SKMMP team were selected for the inaugural StartupBootcamp FashionTech Milan - one of 11 Global Fashtech startups selected. An intensive accelerator propelling digital disruption coupled with the emergence of COVID and offline crisis within the Luxury Fashion industry. Milan is home to some of the biggest Luxury Fashion Houses. The program partners include PRADA, Valentino, Moschino, Armani, MICAM, Altagama, Accenture, Stone Island, Sopra Steria. In December 2020 Accenture Milano Aileen premiered the SKMMP Voice AI SMART Showroom combining 3D asset display and content for Buyers. Prior to founding SKMMP Aileen held several senior roles as Director of Wholesale Commercial for luxury Brands and NewGen Designers. She has launched Designer collections at LFW, PFW and MFW.

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