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Aileen Gilpin

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Driven by a passion for helping others, I've dedicated my career to partnering with business owners and nonprofits to drive growth while mastering the intricacies of their financial landscape. My journey into entrepreneurship began in 2006, as an extension of my corporate recruiting career, little did I know that I had started on a path focusing on providing indispensable financial back-office support to small and mid-size businesses. This evolution allowed me to fuse my love for connecting people with the profound impact of accounting, aiding others in realizing their entrepreneurial aspirations. Entrepreneurship isn't a journey for the faint-hearted; it's a landscape teeming with challenges. My corporate tenure instilled in me the value of scalable processes, while my entrepreneurial voyage underscored the immense significance of relationships. 2020 marked a pivotal growth phase for me with my first acquisition, Your Front eOffice, Inc (YFeO). Together, Founder Kay Morgan and I crystallized our vision - to furnish clients with a robust, scalable team of experts functioning as their dedicated back-office division. But wait, the story unfolds further! My entrepreneurship journey with YFeO expanded, the inclusion of Theresa Sutter Virtual Assistant, Inc, enhancing our client portfolio to encompass nonprofit entities, fostering a rich tapestry of diversity in our services. My commitment lies in empowering our clients to navigate and comprehend their financial landscapes. The entire YFeO team brings invaluable skills and experiences to the table, aiding businesses in amplifying revenue and implementing astute business solutions. Let's connect! I'm passionate about forging meaningful relationships and exploring how our YFeO team can be a catalyst for your business success. Book a consultation: https://calendly.com/aileeng-yfeo/discoverycall * Certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor * Certified QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise * Certified BILL.com * Certified Gusto Payroll * Certified DEXT Prepare We'd love to hear your story so we can help you create your financial story. https://yourfrontEoffice.com

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