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Alex Stuart

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👋Please include a note if you are looking to connect and we haven't met before😊 I'm a seasoned technologist with a passion for disruptive technologies, the power of data, and making their benefits accessible to all. I have experience across multiple industries and countries in roles from Mainframe Ops to PreSales, as well as exploring side passions in photography, running, travel, and STEM Early Career coaching. A little more about me: •Blockchain and DLT aficionado. I embrace disruptive technologies, and have kept close to this market. I have managed education about the platform in large enterprises, organised user groups, been a seed/angel investor for companies in the space, and acted as a market SME at large software vendors for customers in this space. •Passionate Runner. As well as the obvious fitness benefits, the habit building from training and community building at Run Social are important parts of my personal development. •I have currently visited 51 countries spanning from the Americas to South East Asia, reaching 50 before I turned 30 (just!). I use these experiences to discover new culture, build on my photography, and make sure I emerge more rounded from having appreciated the people I meet along the way. This includes time spent working in USA and Germany. Let's talk about: blockchain, DLT, event streaming, data analytics, data governance, infosec, early careers,presales, travel.

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