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Akshay Haldipur is a seasoned digital marketing maverick with roots in web security research, growth hacking, blockchain tech & cryptocurrency built over 12 years. The prime point of his career was when he entered the world of startups to head marketing for Culture Machine (one of India's top digital media companies) right at its inception stage and built some of India's most popular and largest youth communities for over 5 years. From a VP marketing at Culture Machine, he took a leap of faith to join Zee Network as Head of Marketing for their social media division for a brief period and soon realised, he 'thinks like a startup' - an asset to scale, with which he co-founded Think First Principles - a growth hacking company in late 2018. Soon, he pivoted a fast-growing revenue pillar for Think First Principles by transforming it into a separate specialised business entity ' Scaling Monsters' - a performance marketing agency specialized to scale E-commerce brands doing high spends and also growing e-com stores from scratch. Expertise: - Digital Mentor & Advisor - Teambuilder - Content Planning & Digital Strategist - Multi-Channel Network Expert - ROI enthusiast/Growth Hacker - Multi-Digital Platform expertise [AD operations, Marketing & revenue planning & Business revenue projections] - Impact-driven Brand Marketing & Communications - Design Thinking - Transforming traditional businesses with digital strategies - Project Mgmt. - Goal Drive approach to ambiguity

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