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Albertine Scray

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⚠️ IMPACTFUL TRANSFORMATION OF CHILDREN’S LIVES WITH EDUCATION‼️ DID YOU KNOW in extremely poor communities where we serve, tuition is only $10 per child per year? Yet, many children are illiterate & don’t go to school because they cannot afford that much? 💔 MY NAME is Albertine Scray aka Mumzy, a servant leader philanthropist, founder of the MUMZYS CHILDREN RELIEF FOUNDATION - IL501C(3) Tax-Exempt, non-profit (MumzyCRF) 🌍 OUR MISSION IS to empower children & communities living in extreme poverty by providing access to basic human needs as: - Accessible & Uninterrupted Education & healthcare - Clean water & nutritious food (better agricultural methods) - Safe shelters & community projects promoting entrepreneurship. OUR IMPACT SPANS ACCROSS: 🇺🇸USA, 🇨🇲Cameroon, and 🇰🇪Kenya, With over 3,000 children served. Our dedicated team of board members, staff, and volunteers work tirelessly to make a difference. EDUCATION: 📚So far we’re supporting 13 schools, 30 teachers, 32 villages & 3000+ children. TUITIONS: - $10/Year/Child + School Supplies ($55/child) TEACHERS SALARIES: - $80,000/month/Teacher CONSTRUCTION IN CONCRETE: - 1 Classroom = $10,000 - 1 Econ. School = 68,000 - 1 complete school = $128,000 EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS‼️ Financial donations of any size are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE and make a huge impact the remote villages & slums (orphanages) HOW TO DONATE: 🎁💰📦🍔💊📚💦🎓❤️🚸💵 ✅ Visit our website: https://mumzycrf.org/ ✅ Donate via GoFundMe, PayPal, Zelle, CashApp ($MumzyCRF), Venmo (@MumzyCRF) and JustGiving. - ⚠️ Links in our Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/MumzysEarth? WE TRANSFORM entire villages into self-sustaining communities. ❤️ - Our 1st success story is the village of Mang in Nyakokombo, Cameroon. We've built a school, provided clean water & solar power, and worked with the government to establish a medical center and improved roads. 🚒 - MumzyCRF sponsors & organizes a yearly health campaign M*A*S*H style with doctors who volunteer their talent, time & money to travel to the far jungle & treat populations for free! Our lead doctor is Georges Bwelle (a CNN TOP10 Hero of 2013). Founder of Ascovime.org. FOLLOW US ✅ LinkedIn, IG, FB, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok & website. LANGUAGES🗣️ French, English, 4 African Dialects & Some Spanish Citizen of 🇺🇸 Origin 🇨🇲

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