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I'm a senior director of data and analytics and principal consultant with over two decades of experience in enterprise data services, including data architecture, data governance, big data, data engineering, multi-cloud technologies, and enterprise architecture definition, bringing industry expertise to bridges the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders, facilitating effective organizational communication and value-driven alignment. My professional background experience includes working with customers to deliver value-driven initiatives, designing cloud data platform solutions, providing technical advisory using best practices, analyzing requirements, defining enterprise architecture and systems integration architecture platforms, data strategy and data governance programs, data products solutions, and business-driven insight services. I am currently at @Globant as Senior Director of Data and Analytics for BizDev Strategy in the East US Region. I oversee client accounts delivery and support data-driven envisioning, designing cloud data platform solutions, and creating data products. I also provide design thinking workshops with C-suite levels and translate business needs into long-term value-driven services for Lines of Business aligned with organizations' business objectives.

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