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Alberto Giusti

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I'm an angel investor in digital companies. In the past I was Strategy Manager, CEO and founder of internet companies in UK, CH, USA and IT. I'm speaker in Digital Transformation events (mainly about crowdfunding topics) and teacher in crowdfunding courses. In 2006 I published "E-commerce in Cina. Come vendere online il Made In Italy" Marco Valerio Editore, in 2014 "Crowdfunding. Dai sogni ai soldi" Anteprima Editore, in 2016 "Guida per manager nell'era digitale. Il metodo Digital Building Blocks" Ipsoa Editore - Wolters Kluver , in 2018 "Digital tailor. Modelli sartoriali per professionisti social e digital" Ipsoa Editore - Wolters Kluver , in 2020 "Il Chief Digital Officer come direttore d’orchestra: Immagina, Ispira, Abilita, la Digital Transformation in azienda" Edizioni La Zattera and in 2022 “Goldsmith42: La trasformazione digitale nel mondo del gioiello” - Brè Edizioni.

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