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YESTERDAY Thanks to my family, from an early age I grew up breathing design, expressed in the shapes of the many objects that became protagonists of our stories. A passion that flourished stronger over time and turned into a beautiful obsession. Born as observer, trained as architect. TODAY I deeply enjoy looking for the hidden potential of every project. Over the years I’ve built long-lasting collaborations with Italian and international clients on typologically different products focusing mainly on furniture, lighting and homeware. Every creation is a tool with the obligation to go beyond the existing to which our eyes are accustomed, daring to approach the perfect combination of aesthetics and innovation, be it functional, cultural, or technological. Diving into photography and filmmaking. TOMORROW I love to see what happens when more creative fields clash. Looking at new opportunities with fresh eyes, I believe that ideas are the strongest tool to elicit an emotional reaction in people and create an affective bond with every project, of any kind. I’ll never stop feeding myself on them.

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