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Alec Deneef-Matthews's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Alec  Deneef-Matthews

Alec Deneef-Matthews

open on linkedin

Currently studying at the Madrid campus of ESCP Business School for my 2nd year of Bachelor, I am driven by a passion for entrepreneurship and a desire to succeed. My diverse experiences have honed my skills in community management, leadership, and project management, positioning me as a well-rounded individual with a strong drive to make a positive impact. I have recently organised an event for charity, Fund of Cars, where I was working to bring together students, car collectors, and local businesses to make a positive impact in the community. It was a huge success as we raised more than £6,000 for children that are affected by cancer. This project has allowed me to further develop my project management skills and is giving me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need. To the next one! I am eager to continue my growth and development, and I am looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead. Let’s connect!

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