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Alex Mishchenko

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System Engineer with 10 years in IT, specializing in DevOps for 5 years. Proficient in building CI/CD pipelines across AWS, Azure, and on-premise. Skilled in tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps, and Bitbucket. Implemented IaC with Terraform and CloudFormation for automated release processes. Proficient in Groovy, Bash, and Python scripting. Managed and optimized DevOps tools, overseeing tasks, and migrations for diverse platforms. Expertise in application performance, infrastructure, and log monitoring. Certification • 2022 - HashiCorp: HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate • 2023 - Amazon Web Services: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Key achievements Successfully migrated various DevOps infrastructure components to AWS cloud, establishing a resilient architecture Led a team of 5 DevOps in migrating from on-premise GitHub Enterprise to GitLab, including pipeline rewriting for Java and Node projects Led Jenkins migration to AWS, integrating Jenkins, AWS CodeBuild, and GitHub Actions Developed pipeline code for CI builds and releases using Groovy, Bash, Docker, and Packer Managed numerous application releases, rapid fixes Utilized Terraform and CloudFormation for seamless infrastructure deployment Migrated numerous Nexus Artifact repositories to JFrog Artifactory, enhancing enterprise support across 20 Scrum teams, including release support Transitioned High loaded production Dynatrace APM system from Windows OS to Linux OS Implemented robust performance monitoring for Java, NodeJS, .NET, leveraging IBM APM, Dynatrace, Zabbix, CloudWatch, ELK, Grafana Migrated 80+ production VMs to new VMware vCenter with minimal disruption Soft Skills • Collaboration • Adaptability • Continuous learning

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