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Alexandros D.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Alexandros D.

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I hold a degree in Accounting and Finance from London Metropolitan University. I have been a Licenced Insurance Consultant since 2015 specialising in General Insurance and Life-Medical Insurance. Currently, I am working closely with a number of key local and international Insurance providers and can offer you the best Cover tailored to your needs. Also, I manage a large portfolio of diverse clientele. Given the breadth of insurance products and services offered, I am able to: - Offer a tailored solution that best serves your needs and ensures the best value for money. - Offer a full range of Life, Disability, Accident and Medical Insurance products for Individuals. - Provide Corporate Clients with equally comprehensive and relevant options such as Liability and Group Medical, to choose from a range of well-known local and international insurance providers. In your moment of need, my role is to help you minimize your worries and re-invent yourself.

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