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Alexander Sverdlov

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I'm deeply involved in shaping cybersecurity strategies for SaaS, fintech, banking, and defending critical infrastructure. My journey in cybersecurity has been extensive, from being part of MICROSOFT's security consulting team to consulting the nuclear power plant of the UAE – Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation. At Atlant Security, we are all about diving deep into your IT setup, auditing thoroughly, and building security architecture that makes a difference. In other words, I help my clients build defenses so well that they become a market differentiator for their business. My focus is on finding what fits your business best. Most of my solutions are open-source, and if we do need to bring in a vendor, we pick the one that matches YOUR needs, not the other way around. Think of me as your guide through the complex world of cybersecurity, offering solutions like NIST 800-53 v5 audits and acting as your Virtual CISO. Beyond just about ticking boxes; it is about giving you that EDGE over competitors and building TRUST with your clients. Ever dealt with cybercrime in a fast-paced telecom environment in Dubai? I have, and it is this kind of global frontline experience that I bring to your table. If your challenges are unique, I am here to help you tackle them. Let's connect and see how we can push your cybersecurity to the next level. Atlant Security is a cyber and IT security company offering consulting and implementation services. We BUILD while others SELL. +1 650 457 0551| [email protected]

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