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Alice De Mauro

open on linkedin

You are very welcome to my profile! Check out my recommendations section if you wish to pick up some hints about my personality and my way of working ;) • I am an enthusiastic freelancer (ZZP), now based in Amsterdam, NL • I am a senior software engineer with advanced UI/UX design skills, specialized in the JavaScript ecosystem: React + Redux + TypeScript + Jest + Node is my combo • 15+ years of experience as a developer (full-stack web + standalone + embedded), flavored by great communication skills and a very funny cheerful character (yay, for real!) In addition: • 8+ years of experience as a Technical Instructor (on-site and remote) • 4 years of experience as a UI/UX and Brand Designer and Marketing Professional • Master Degree in Computer Science - Thesis about GPU Parallel Programming - 1 Technical Publication • I speak English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Dutch (B1, ongoing), and Japanese (J5, ongoing) • JavaScript (Vanilla, React + Redux, TypeScript, Node, Angular, jQuery, d3, Apollo, Webpack, Jest) • HTML5, CSS3, SASS, atomic CSS design patterns • PHP, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB • Git, CI/CD, AWS, Jenkins, JIRA management, SCRUM/Agile • PYTHON, C, C++, JAVA, VBA, MATLAB, LaTeX, OOP concepts • Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Animate, Lightroom, After Effects • Articulate360, Ableton Live 9, Sony SoundForge, Microsoft Expression, Unity, Corel Painter X, GIMP Thank you for reading, and enjoy the rest! Have a great day, A. PS. I receive tons of emails weekly, so it might take some time before I manage to answer if I am not actively looking for a role. However, I always answer, even when I'm not available or not interested in your opportunity :) PPS. Please, notice that JavaScript is not JAVA ;D

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