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Alif Huq

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Ever felt like you could be doing so much more with your lifecycle automations... but you don't? I don't blame you... With everything on your plate, it's easy for your lifecycle marketing optimization projects to fall into the "when I have time" to-do list. But good news, that's where I come in! As an expert in Email Lifecycle for SaaS, I can come in, take the automation projects off your plate, and help you revamp your CRM strategy so you can hit your free-to-paid, retention, and churn metrics faster (... and, of course, impress your boss). Here's how I can help: Sure, here are the corrected sentences: ✅ I'll audit your CRM and build a highly tailored lifecycle email strategy that you can implement to improve your SaaS metrics. ✅ I'll revamp all your current lifecycle automations for better conversions and help you create new ones (this includes automation strategy, copy, campaign setup, automation building, launching, and a/b testing). ✅ If you don't have anything set yet, I'll work with your team to build out your entire lifecycle marketing strategy. When I work with clients like you, my #1 goal is to get you results and drive revenue. Just like when I: 👉 Created a segmentation strategy that boosted Wonsulting’s Newsletter Revenue by an impressive 400%. 👉 Optimized Billdr's quiz funnel and increased its deal creation rate by 300%. 👉 Wrote a November sale campaign for TripleTen that generated over 15 deals, setting a new department record. 👉 Wrote a four-part email sequence for a SaaS business in the nonprofit space that generated 66 demos. Here are three ways you can get started working with me: 1️⃣ Subscribe to my newsletter for weekly SaaS Lifecycle strategies: https://alifhuqmarketinginc.com/newsletter 2️⃣ Visit my website to learn more about me: https://alifhuqmarketinginc.com/ 3️⃣ Schedule a call with me if you'd like my help on a project: https://alifhuqmarketinginc.hbportal.co/public/Consultation_with_Alif Keywords: Email Marketing, Copywriting, Email Automation, Marketing Strategy, A/B Testing, MQL SQL Conversions, CRM, Customer Relationship Management, Active Campaign, Convertkit, HubSpot, Mailchimp, GetResponse, CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR Compliance, Deliverability, Email Service Providers (ESPs),Customer Retention, HubSpot.

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