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Ali Faruqi

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With a comprehensive Bio-Pharma industry background spanning nineteen (19) years, I bring expertise in Digitalization, Design Thinking, Technology and Quality Management. This extensive experience encompasses various facets: a remarkable fifteen (15) years dedicated to shaping Digital Data & Technology strategies, including proof of concept, development, and implementation; over fifteen (15) years devoted to adept Risk Management; more than seventeen (17) years immersed in IT Quality and Compliance, specifically in R&D and Quality systems; a decade (10) of proficiency in Digital Workforce Automation; and a robust eighteen (18) years of mastery in Portfolio & Program Mgmt. Beyond my professional achievements, I'm an avid explorer, frequently embarking on global travels and cherishing quality time with my family. Additionally, I've channeled my passion for soccer into coaching for a remarkable span of nine years with a new passion for coaching Pickleball (PTR Certified Coach). https://www.linkedin.com/in/alifaruqi/

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