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I am Ali Fleming ,a passionate and innovative person, utilising my past experiences as a Celebrant and Ceremony Designer, looking to work alongside couples and families on their journey in preparation for any lifetime ceremony . I am excited to have released a unique and bespoke" The Harmony Glass experience"- Ceremony in a Box- the first of its kind in the UK. An opportunity to encapsulate the captured memories of your day into a piece of bespoke Glass Art . Now available to embrace and acknowledge your grief of losing a loved one or a pet in a unique way ....the Ceremony in a Box , delivered to your doorstep, gives you all the tools for you and your chosen family members ,to be able to say your goodbyes in your own personal space, in a specially designed and worded blending ceremony . And then the opportunity to encapsulate your loved ones ashes into your chosen piece of unique glass art . Also offering Ceremony in a box ,for a Couples Wedding journey, Helping couples and families find solutions on being able to involve loved ones in their wedding day ceremony, in a spiritually uplifting and meaningful way, creating memories made for a lifetime and beyond. A 7 -part journey which takes you through a one-to-one consultancy, choosing your own unique shape of bespoke glass art, in the combination of colours chosen by you. Followed by the delivery of your own "Ceremony in a box" which has every detail of how to hold "the Harmony glass experience" in your ceremony. Followed by an amazing glass studio experience where you will be invited to watch your very own piece of glass be transformed from your own specially mixed colour blend, right before your eyes .. And then the piece de la resistance is in the delivery of your piece/s of glass, delivered to your door . I also write the ceremony content for you, around your chosen colours, so that it can be written into the details of any ceremony - and delivered by your chosen person to conduct, be it by a celebrant, registrar vicar or priest, even a member or friend of the family. Makes a fantastic gift for the bridal couple to be.

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