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My career path has given me the amazing opportunity to constantly grow and to discover my core skills: - strategic mindset with an analytical perspective - fast learning - coaching and talent development My first professional passion was peer training. Despite this discovery, I followed education and started a career in PR. It was a short stay, for it did not play close to what I do best, but it helped me develop a better relationship with words. When I left PR I decided to freelance for about 3 years. This allowed me to take on projects that matched my development needs and to explore multiple business areas and product/ service types. In 2012 a bigger challenge arrived - Tabu, a glossy magazine. Fast-paced, daring, nonconformist, this brand was a marketer's dream. And it has led me to a new perspective on media and brand communication. After 3 years in publishing, I transited through a corporate marketing position, before I returned to strategic marketing in Consultaclick.ro. Online marketing for medical services has been an amazing chance to make a difference and support people in their search for better healthcare. In 2018 I was invited to join a project with the very creative team of Erka Agile Communication, as Digital and Strategy Director. This short and intense project had a great contribution to my current Marketing Coach & Consultant position. Coach4Marketing is the result of all the experience I have gathered in the last 10+ years as a marketing specialist and manager. This business is a symbiosis between marketing instruments and coaching guidance, to answer the need we all have at some point: to receive support in staying on track. It is also my way to make an impact, by nurturing a solidarity-based entrepreneurial mindset.

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