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Profile picture of Aline Abrouk 🎯

Aline Abrouk 🎯

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Ready to break the chains holding back your business? You're a CEO and service provider, experiencing the following challenges: ❌ Your business is stagnant, and you feel like you're not progressing as you'd like. ❌ You're under intense pressure to succeed and increase your revenue. ❌ Stress and concerns are impacting your health. ❌ You're overwhelmed by daily tasks, to the point of missing strategic business development opportunities. Wondering how you'll reach your next business goal? The reality is that 99% of CEOs find themselves in this situation, but only 1% succeed in transforming it for: ✅ More freedom ✅ Enhanced performance for maximum impact ✅ Increased efficiency and productivity ✅ Predictable revenues ✅ Greater serenity for a thriving and peaceful business ✅ And most importantly, more fun and energy. And that's where I come in: I bridge the gap between your vision and operational reality. I challenge the strategy, motivate teams, ensure everything is ready on time, and analyze KPIs to optimize results (client acquisition, satisfaction, and retention). Services: Project and team management - Strategic challenge - Results optimization Why choose me? 🌐 My diverse background, from management consulting to digital marketing consulting, entrepreneurship, and coaching, allows me to understand all aspects of your business. 🤝 I've been part of teams since a young age, whether in high-level sports or the corporate world, teaching me how to motivate and unite teams for outstanding performance. 🌟 I am one of the most demanding individuals on earth. I constantly strive to improve the current state with one goal in mind: propelling your business to new heights. If you're looking to save time, surpass your limits, and maximize your company's performance (with serenity), I'm the right person to help you! Send me a message to discuss a potential collaboration.

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