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Uncompromising with integrity. Having courage to bring up uncomfortable realities and conviction to change course with fluid situations. Proactive in anticipating problems, analytical in defining questions, and incisive in distilling a solution. Enterpreneuring physician with over 25 years of experience in integration of medicine, finance, and business operations. Insightful understanding of user behaviour in a changing landscape and adoption of new technologies. - Running a successful and innovative General Practice clinic in Sydney Australia with over 10 health practitioners offering an integrative and holistic health care model. - President & CEO of Macent, a business solutions provider (Pfizer, AOL, and others) - CTO for LogonHealth an innovative and ground breaking wireless healthcare provider in early 2000 - Developed Derivatives Trading Systems for industry leaders in finance (JP Morgan & Credit Suisse) - MBBS(Hons) from University of Sydney, Australia. - MS Electrical Engineering from University of Pennsylvania - BS Electrical Engineering from Cornell University Specialties: - Problem Solving - Medicine - Operations - Fixed Income Derivatives - Technology

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