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Alvit Perez Calero's Linkedin Analytics

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Alvit Perez Calero

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As an experienced Leadership and People expert, I am passionate about growth on a personal and strategic level. Because: whatever your business is, you are always in the people business. My goal is to empower leaders and organizations to reach their full potential and excel by helping them find, retain and grow their people. Leadership to me means creating the right conditions in which people love what they do and are driven by ambition, creativity and loyalty. The strategist in me likes to think ahead, take on great challenges, spar and share knowledge, spot opportunities, make connections and get the most out of every role and situation. The ever-changing, complex and hyper-connected world around us requires a critical dialogue with a diversity and inclusivity of ideas and a Growth Mindset. I have a good day when I have empowered people to the maximum and we can celebrate successes together, but also learn and grow from mistakes together. I achieve this by stimulating transparent leadership, ownership, working from genuine passion and last but not least: putting things into perspective and laughing together. More info? Let's connect! [email protected] Leadership Development | Executive Coaching | Strategy | Consultancy | Employee Engagement | Talent Management

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