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Aly Jamison, APR's Linkedin Analytics

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Aly Jamison, APR

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15+ years of experience developing and executing public relations campaigns that drive awareness, leads, and sales. Drawing from in-house and agency experience, I’ve secured clients in a wide range of industry, regional, and national outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, Mashable, Fox Business Channel, Fox and Friends, New York Post, Readers Digest, American Express, AllThingsD, MarketingProfs, and BNet (CBS MoneyWatch). Experience working with B2B and B2C companies in industries, including professional training, digital marketing, professional services, food/beverage, health/wellness/fitness, construction, consumer electronics, consumer services, nonprofits, product development/manufacturing, and others. 🎖️ Accredited in Public Relations (APR) attained by 19% of PRSA professionals. 📰 Featured on Forbes, CommPRO, American Express, Bulldog Reporter, PR Daily, PR News, MediaBistro, and PRSA Tactics. 🏆 Gold - Communications Professional of the Year (Stevie), Women Who Impact San Diego (SD Metro), and 40-under-40 (SD Metro). ♥️ San Diego Blood Bank Gallon Donor. 💪 Gallup StrengthsFinder: Strategic, Achiever, Positivity, Discipline, and Consistency.

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