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Amanda Carpenter 💫's Linkedin Analytics

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Amanda Carpenter 💫

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As a professional Recruiter and Talent Management specialist, I have over 20 years recruitment experience across Financial Services and Retail supporting Executive Leadership teams. I'm passionate about empowering clients to find their target role and have developed an in-depth knowledge of the recruitment industry, with a detailed eye for what employers are looking for in a standout CV. I deliver impactful and engaging CVs, Cover Letters, LinkedIn profiles, and Executive Bios. My focus is working collaboratively with clients to create targeted CVs that share the unique value of each individual and the benefits they can offer potential employers. Specialties: CV Writing | Cover Letters | LinkedIn Profiles | Executive Bios | Recruitment Lifecycle | Candidate Experience Management | Direct Sourcing | Selection & Assessment | Business Partnering | Supplier Management | Recruitment Advertising | Candidate Management Systems

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