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Amaresh Sahoo

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As a seasoned expert in Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, I bring over 14 years of dynamic experience in the IT industry, with a specialized focus on the intersection of blockchain technology and AI for the past five years. My passion lies in leveraging these cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation and efficiency across various industries. In my current role as a certified Emerging Tech SME at Xaltius, I have been instrumental in shaping the future of tech talent, having trained over 100 students not only in blockchain fundamentals but also in AI principles, emphasizing the synergy between AI and blockchain in creating robust, intelligent solutions. My academic journey includes an enriching experience at the ZK Bootcamp from Encode Club, where I delved into zero-knowledge proofs — a concept critical to both blockchain privacy and AI security. This has provided me with a unique perspective on the convergence of these technologies. As a blockchain developer at Zuraverse, I was at the forefront of developing solutions that dealt with DeFi , NFT and Metaverse Gaming. My work involves using advanced Blockchain technology for delivering creative solutions. I am also an avid contributor to various tech forums and blogs, where I share my insights on the latest developments and trends in both blockchain and AI. My commitment to lifelong learning in these fields keeps me at the cutting edge of technological advancements. I firmly believe in the revolutionary potential of blockchain and AI to transform industries, making them more transparent, secure, and efficient. My mission is to advance these technologies through education, innovative development, and collaboration. I am excited about connecting with like-minded individuals and organizations who are enthusiastic about harnessing the combined power of blockchain and AI to redefine the technological landscape.

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