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Amberly Gorham M.A.Ed.

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With over 17 years of diverse expertise in instruction, coaching, planning, and facilitation across the public and private sectors, I possess a unique blend of personal and professional experience. As a military spouse and dedicated educator, I have successfully orchestrated and managed a wide range of educational programs, events, and major transitions. Recently, I completed a master's degree in higher education with a specialization in organizational leadership, emphasizing team building and personnel management skills. Now, I am eagerly seeking to leverage my training and development acumen within a higher education or corporate setting. As both a teacher and a military spouse, I have had to embrace the art of flexibility! Nothing goes as planned all of the time, so I make it work. I have also learned to adapt to new and challenging situations and locations. Change is a huge part of the military lifestyle. I excel at problem solving and love to jump hurdles (figuratively). I take pride in my creativity, because it allows me to think outside of the box. It is worth mentioning that while I may not have direct and formal experience with some specific methodologies or programs that every business employs, I am a very quick study and possess the initiative to fill in those gaps. See my writing portfolio here: https://amberlygorham.journoportfolio.com 👋Please connect with me if you have leads, tips, tricks or questions! I hope you have a beautiful day. 🌻

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