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Amin D.

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CEO Ayahuascaontario.com More than 30 years of pharmacy service experience bringing management, administrative and medical experience to retail and institutional settings. More than 19 years of experience in Alternative Medicine. Flexible in quickly mastering new technologies and information systems. Empathetic and intuitive with clients and adept at building trust and sustainable long term customer Specializing in Alternative Therapies. Enjoy working in tandem with other professionals to both educate patients and help solve complex medical problems by thinking outside the box. My motto is: “Health Wellness Time Knowledge” From a colleague “ amin dharamsi just shared a witty inspiring post.. Amin Is the world's 1st Fitnosis Sleep coach And after I showed him He put several people to sleep quite successfully . He significantly Improved my approach . I think it's important For sleep coaches to actually be in the same room as the person with the sleep problem. This is so that they can be there if the person wakes up. He is one of the most brilliant people that I know and has survived significant difficulties. There is a brilliant video of him in my collection. The video shows him learning to control his own horrific pain” From a patient “5*review Amin answers my post and allowed me to message. He has helped me beyond words. History and knowledge is so powerful. I was struggling so much and with the advice and guidance I feel I am turning a corner. Natural solutions do work and Amin has a huge knowledge of it all. ❤️”

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