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Amy Bradley

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I’m a Sales, Business Development, and Sales Management Expert who have generated £1M+ in Client Revenue in the last 12 Months and will help you build your brand authority using targeted solutions. ☂️ Passionate about business and helping others. ☂️ Love turning prospects into profits with cost-effective sales strategies. ☂️ Competitive spirit from sports fuels my role in helping businesses grow. ↳ A full-time mom to two wonderful girls ↳ Supporting children in need through AI Accelerate Growth charity efforts. ↳ Coach children's football ☂️ I’m a Sales Expert for Businesses of all sizes and industries. I specialise in working with people who are looking to create or grow income streams through providing coaching and consulting and using my expertise to get them more clients. ☂️ I help passion-driven CEO's , consultants, and entrepreneurs build businesses they love by attracting High-Quality clients using proven sales and marketing strategies. ☂️ Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Let me show you how! ☂️ I will work with you to help you step-by-step identify what it is you are selling and the end result you are working toward, craft a marketing plan that is unique to your needs, create templates and documents you can use over and over again so you can actually implement your plan and see results. My Sales Specialties for Your Business Growth: ☂️ Strategic Sales Planning ☂️ Lead Generation Expertise ☂️ Cost-Effective Sales Strategies ☂️ Revenue Generation Mastery ☂️ Client Relationship Building ☂️ Telemarketing solutions Let's Collaborate to Elevate Your Sales Game. Contact me at hello@aiaccelerategrowth.com for growth-focused solutions. Ready to boost your company's Sales, Business Development, and Sales Management? DM me now.

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