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Amy Lee

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Shenzhen Mightary Led Co.,Ltd (MRLED) (stock code: 600203), founded in 2006 with registered capital of 1500 million RMB. MRLED is a national high-tech enterprise and specializes in R&D and manufacturing indoor and outdoor led displays. With 60000sqm production base and 2 overseas subsidiaries, over 1000 workers as our strong supports. The product technology and quality is the top in this field and has a good reputation in global market. Our products is widely applied in Asia Games, Shanghai World Expo, the country's major television stations, metro stations, airports, highways, World Beach Volleyball Tour and Australia Sydney Circuit, and other major event venues all over the world. http://www.mrled.cn I am a sales in the display industry for more than 5years As regional sales of MRLED Display which was a leading provider of LED display products and solutions.and it will be a leading provider of LED display products and solutions again . For a long time, we were silent, no promotion, no marketing. Concentrate on our own products. Service some old customers. So to mention it in the market, it is equivalent to high quality. We are always committed to improving our high quality. Right now. As an old brand ,In 2021 We're back! We rebuilt warehouses in Europe and the United States. Fast sales at local ! our mission is to leverage expertise in LED display, new business development, Use high quality to reestablish the influence of our brand. We are passionate about finding and cultivating overseas partners, and providing them with Technical and product `s support according to the development strategy of MRLED. our goal is to speed up the global development planning of MRLED brand and achieve sustainable growth and innovation. Please focus on us again, we will provide higher quality and more efficient service with a new profile Thank you again to all of you who have not forgotten MRLED How lovely you are ---------the best wishes from Amy MRLED

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