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Amy Salkind, M.Ed.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Amy Salkind, M.Ed.

Amy Salkind, M.Ed.

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Highly qualified and motivated product support and educational specialist with 16 years of experience looking to leverage my skills to obtain a position where I can demonstrate the value your product brings as a Customer Success Manager or Professional Development Specialist. 💪🏻Adding value to an organization by cultivating relationships, engaging stakeholders, satisfying clients, and offering training on technology products. ✏️Showcasing my ability to multi-task while being an organized, detailed oriented, and driven employee who delivers quality customer service, support, guidance, and training. 🤝 Supporting and guiding internal and external customers through challenges by building relationships with empathy and developing trust. I am a tech savvy relationship expert that has educated, trained, and provided problem solving solutions for hundreds of stakeholders and customers. My accomplishments vary from consistently being a top 3 performer on a team of 18 support professionals by successfully closing over 50 percent more customer issues to being awarded a highly effective teacher for growing student achievement by 18% in one year on state standardized testing to receiving an award for leading a school to collect the most donations in the entire county for a local food pantry, to being a highly respected mentor on my support team at Lexia Learning. About Me: I love to read! (mostly Historical Fiction) Big time history nerd 📚 Traveling is a passion of mine.🌍 I am obsessed with my Shih-Tzu. 🐶 Self proclaimed foodie 🌮🍕🥡🍽 Would love to chat and discuss how my skill set can help your company to grow! [email protected]

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