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Ana Cerqueira's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Ana Cerqueira

Ana Cerqueira

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A dynamic, results oriented sales leader with over 19 years of distinguished achievement in sales growth, channel partner management, business development and marketing utilising collaboration and innovative sales strategies of national and multinational companies in the technology sector. Consistently successful in defining sales go-to-market strategy and delivering extraordinary results in a highly competitive, ever-changing industry. Capable of leading complex sales cycles, managing C-level relationships, building relationship with multicultural and multi-country teams, and leading business opportunities with Fortune 500 clients worldwide. A natural motivator possessing strong relationship management and interpersonal skills. Comfortable using influence to drive conversations and execute effectively in fast-paced, dynamic arenas. Easily achieve harmonious alliances among diverse individuals, departments and organizations. Earn respect through leadership and integrity. Specialties Building/Developing Executive-Level Relationships
 Partnerships & Strategic Alliances 
 Growing Sales Organizations
 Territory Planning & Management
 Revenue Growth Team Enablement & Development
 Competitive Strategies & Scenario Planning
 Distribution Channel Design & Optimization
 Customer Relationship Management Change & Crisis Management 
 Thought Leadership 
Emerging Markets

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