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Ananda Grant, MBA

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Entrepreneurial leader with broad experience in non-profit, private sector and social enterprise arena in the US and abroad. Experience across sectors including K-12 education, children's media, international development and financial services. Expertise across multiple functions with an emphasis on strategy, new business and product launches, product and program management, strategic partnerships, marketing, operations, and staff development. I enjoy collaborative, fast-paced and start-up / entrepreneurial environments. I have been fortunate to lead several product, partner and new business initiatives in the US and abroad including: - Built and led 1st Curriculum Product and Partnership team at EL Education for highly rated K-8 ELA product used nationally - Launched and managed multiple curriculum and product distribution partnerships - contributing 35% of org's in annual earned fee revenue - Developed and managed programs focused on malaria prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa - Sell-in and launch of first national contactless payments partner at American Express

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