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Andi Kahclamat's Linkedin Analytics

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I make my living connecting people and advocating for my client industries. My colleagues have called me a "community maker."​ People love my ideas. I've been quoted in Forbes, Mashable, US News & World Report, Business Day, Los Angeles Times, Sydney Morning Herald, and dozens more on business development and marketing topics. I'm a contagiously enthusiastic business growth executive who is passionate about streamlining workloads, developing teams and driving top-line revenue opportunities. (If you wonder how someone can be passionate about those things, give me a call because y'all need me!) I'm a perpetually curious data nerd who can recognize patterns instinctively, and system-building comes naturally to me. Beyond my profession, I'm personally passionate about issues of poverty, hunger and food access in our world. I regularly support my local food bank and run donation drives in the community for their needs. I'm outspoken to politicians at a local, state and federal level about poverty issues. I'm also a FEMA-certified volunteer emergency public information officer. In my free time, I love to explore Kansas City with my English bulldog, tend my vegetable garden, and travel the globe (31 US states/territories plus Mexico, Uganda and Jordan so far!). Personality tests: INTJ / Enneagram 5 / DiSC CD -- in other words, I'm a cautious optimist who uses way too many exclamation points!

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