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Elenrose Recruitment is a company that I founded to bring a positive and happy approach to recruitment and to help employees love their work and their life. With over 20 years of experience in the recruitment industry, I have developed an unparalleled understanding of my clients' needs and expectations, as well as the skills and potential of the candidates I work with. I specialize in all office-based roles, including administration, customer service, sales, marketing, HR, and finance, from entry-level to director positions. I support candidates to manage their careers and find the right roles for them with detailed information, feedback, and guidance. I also build extremely strong relationships with each of my clients and develop an in-depth understanding of what makes their business tick. I have worked with many different businesses in a wide range of industries, from very small start-ups to major global players, in London and the South East region. My mission is to match the best talent with the best opportunities and to create a positive and lasting impact for both parties.
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