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Andrew Gavrilov

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Hey there 👋 My passion is in design, technology, and the idea that my team can help products make the world a better place. That's why I have: 1) 15+ years in UX/UI Design and Development, helping 200+ startups/businesses/products worldwide. 2) 10+ years in EdTech. In WAYUP, an educational platform with 30+ teammates and 450000+ students, we're doing incredible work so more people can become digital pros! It's also an opportunity for me to be an author with over 700 offline and online performances. 🐈‍⬛ Undercat.io - a digital agency that delivers - was born 5+ years ago at the intersection of these two passions of mine. What's so special about Undercat? 〰️ Monthly subscription to top designers and developers for the price of one employee. 〰️ No commitments, calls, or contracts. 〰️ Unlimited requests and services. 〰️ A small, close-knit team working with only five clients simultaneously to provide the best quality and speed. This means you can get an entire team of experts to work on your startup/product/service in a framework that will start delivering the first results 2-3 days after launch. 🔮 Sounds like magic? Sounds like our daily routine. Undercat.io offers various services, including UX/UI design, SaaS, mobile app development, branding, frontend, and backend development. 🖥️ By the way, you can schedule a 15-minute Discovery Session with me to learn how we can help your business: https://calendly.com/undercat/undercat-discovery-session It's a pleasure to connect with you here. ☝️ Remember, you can waste time looking for freelancers for every single task, overpay and fill out tons of paperwork in working with an agency, or... come to Undercat to save money and time and get incredible performance. I look forward to seeing you onboard.

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