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Andrii S.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Welcome on my road to CISO! Right now looking for GRC roles (digital privacy/compliance or risk consultant) & improving these skills. Passionate cybersecurity (information security management) student with organizational & management skills, knowledge of English (B2+) and basics of programming (C++, Python). Apart from the university education, I have completed a lot of relevant courses (Cisco Netacad, RangeForce, Erasmus+ Jean Monet modules) and taken part in CTFs. Development, practice and work for the result are important to me. I am a fast learner, responsible and ready for challenging tasks. Assist in consultancy (cybersecurity awareness). Have red team experience. Interested in cybersecurity blue team (reverse engineering/malware analysis and cryptography) and AI/ML development, engineering & ethics. ISACA Member. In general, as I like to say, my major is cybersecurity and minor - personal development (self-taught). Non-fiction reader, football fan, chess player and occasional writer

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