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Andy Baldauf's Linkedin Analytics

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Andy Baldauf

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For many years, I have been working intensively on the impact of the New Economy on traditional business models and how they need to adapt in order to be successful in the long term. My expertise lies in the area of retail and services, and I have further deepened this through my MAS degree in Digital Business with a focus on Innovation Management. I firmly believe that we cannot shape the world of tomorrow with the models of the past. Let's start the change together before someone else does. My many years of experience for renowned national conglomerates and international SMEs have made me a recognised expert in stationary and digital retail. I am always keen to share my knowledge and perspectives to help others successfully face the challenges of the new (business) world. As a speaker and lecturer, I am also available for keynotes. I look forward to expanding my network on LinkedIn and exchanging ideas with like-minded professionals. Let's shape the future of commerce together!

Check out Andy Baldauf's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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