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Andy Keil's Linkedin Analytics

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Andy Keil

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Making the lives of pharmacists easier by leveraging technology to increase Patient Engagement (without being annoying) and driving Outcomes. Excited by Conversational UI, Bots, A.I., Machine Learning, and other trendy buzzwords. When I'm not at work, I develop card games, throw experiential events, and climb rocks. Always happy to welcome new humans to Austin. Shoot me an email and I'd be happy to help you "plug in" - [email protected] Additional work experience: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📈 HuntingLocator - Increased user signups 108% in the first month. 💰 Supermechanical• - Kickstarter consultant on the Range iOS thermometer campaign. 🎓 Heinemann Publishing - Educational consultant for a large professional development publisher. 🎶 SongLyrics.com - Built community (50k FB) for Songlyrics.com, 2nd largest lyrics website. 💰 Fee Fighters (acquired by Groupon) - General marketing. 🎯 •Instafeed - UX for the first Instagram web viewer. 50k users before Instagram launched their version. •🎸 Chicago Music Exchange - Marketing/photography at the largest online retailer of new/used guitars. •📷 Photojournalist/Concert Photographer - Multiple publications.

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