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Anela Bektic

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I am a marketing strategist with a degree in International Marketing from Amsterdam School of International Business and a minor in Management and Entrepreneurship from FHWien der WKW. I have experience in multiple industries, including technology, health, and real estate, and I am fluent in Dutch, Bosnian, and English. Most recently, I worked as an account strategist for Teleperformance, overseeing a $12M/year portfolio of marketing agencies that used Google Ads products. I helped them achieve great results for their clients by analyzing growth drivers, managing risks, and developing goals. I also provided detailed recommendations and plans for campaign and full funnel marketing strategies that enhanced opportunities and ROI. I prioritized an exceptional customer experience and built strong relationships with each agency and client. I am passionate about creating sustainable and cost-saving solutions that benefit both businesses and society. I am looking for a new challenge where I can apply my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact.

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