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Whether you work with an in-house content team or you hire content writers, three things are certain. →You need good content, scratch that. You need exceptional content to achieve your content goals, keep your readers engaged, and even turn them into customers. → Your SaaS brand needs Traffic: Most people will not go further than the first page of SERPs. If your brand isn't up there, you're missing out on a lot of traffic. → Your content needs life: Anyone can write, but only a great writer can make your content relatable to your audience. You need someone to take on the work so you can focus on doing the things you love. I'm here to help YOU. I help B2B brands take the lead by helping them create thought-leadership content that keeps their readers engaged. I employ detailed research skills to bring fresh perspective and unique insights to B2B SaaS brands. The content I offer includes: → Long-form blog posts. → Short-form blog posts → Newsletters → Social media content. Why should you work with me? → I have I have experience scaling up content production for B2b Saas teams. I've worked with content mangers, and CMOs at Sendcloud, and Cloudtalk. → I conduct in-depth research on your brand to understand how best to relate with your audience through blog posts. → I ensure that every content piece is 100% human written and speaks to the needs of your user first while satisfying the algorithm as well. If this sounds like what you want and I'm sure it is, send me a DM and let's work together to create captivating content for your brand. You can also send a mail at [email protected]

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