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Anjali Upadhyay's Linkedin Analytics

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Anjali Upadhyay

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I am a resume writer and graphic designer, currently working as a freelancer since 2020. My passion lies in crafting visually appealing designs and helping professionals showcase their skills through impactful resumes. Years of Experience: Over 3 years of experience in the resume writing and graphic design industry. Specialized in creating tailored resumes that highlight individual strengths and achievements. Skills: Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) for designing stunning graphics and visuals. Strong writing and communication skills, enabling me to craft compelling and concise resumes. Excellent understanding of design principles, color theory, and typography to create aesthetically pleasing visuals. Achievements: Successfully collaborated with numerous clients, resulting in improved job opportunities and career advancements. Received positive feedback from clients for my resume writing services, emphasizing its impact on their job search. Recognized for delivering high-quality designs that align with clients' visions and requirements.

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